it’s hard to show up! for others, for yourself, for your ideas. for me this manifests as:
being bad at responding to texts beyond my closest friends/fam and then feeling ashamed I took so long and then avoiding the shame and also the texts
avoiding creative projects (either starting or finishing them) esp out of FEAR!!! PERFECTIONISM!!! AVOIDANCE!! ANXIETY!!
avoiding life admin / adult things that then build up
I don’t think we can ever fully get ahead of these things, nor should we always try.
but sometimes, I get on a Zoom call with my best friend, and we will face the Hard Thing together.
it is really wonderful to just be witnessed (even metaphorically) in the pain of the process, and then celebrated in the progress and/or completion.
it’s shocking what we can face when we do it together. this reminds me of this beautiful essay by Dr. Ayesha Khan that difficult emotions are meant to be faced in community.
how can we turn these words into action over here? as someone who faces a ton of creative fear, resistance, and overall avoidance, this is my first attempt.
Disclaimer: let’s find the both and. 1) We are not our productivity. And also, 2) there are some things we really and genuinely want to do and create and be alive to (or must do due to responsibilities)! But are terrified! Anxious! And all alone!
Also, community takes effortful action. That’s what I am hoping to use this space for. I feel I’m letting people in my life down by not being a reliable responder! And I am! I need and want to face that.
And maybe your hard thing is you need community! Here is a space to try.
It’s been a dream of mine (literally! day and night! and yes I have many!) to get together and basically be “Alone together” — facing what is scaring us. That could be literally anything. In fact you already know what it is ;).
The goal is to face our fear and resistance and avoidance, together. Or if you would like to just come say hiiii and do something joyful, that works too!
To avoid my own avoidance (lol), the first session will be this Sunday at 11am-2pm EST // 5-8pm SAST. You can come and leave any time, I’ll be there. You could even just say hi!
RSVP below so I can get a sense of headcount! I’ll be thrilled if ONE person joins, and I’m excited to cheer for you.
You really can face this. And also your worth is not contingent on whether you do! I’m creating a space that I too am craving. I am hoping others are craving it, too…
A link to the Google Calendar Event and if you are struggling to access this link, just meet us in this Google Meet link at the above time!
I love this! In the neurodivergent community we call this "body doubling". We struggle with focus and task initiation, but it's been found that just having another body in the room or someone working alongside you helps to get you started or keep you going :)
I loved this blog post —
Random Idea: What if this group provides feedback on *potential projects* we’re showing up for?
.. or what if you gave us a link where we could all share if we’re interested: what we were working on and are asking others for feedback for whoever would be open to providing feedback? That would be a great boost of encouragement for those. :)