was enveloped this morning in an egoic desire for perfection when I reminded myself to stop and pray. and then your post came at the perfect time. thank you. for honoring your inner voice, inner love, inner calling for the collective, for the Divine, for yourself.🙏🏼

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This deeply resonated with me this morning 🌞🌻🌄. I read it slowly and carefully, intentionally consuming every word. I am glad I found you. You encouraged me more than you know. Thank you.

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This is beautiful. Sending you love 🤍

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Needed these words today, thank you so much 💓

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Thank you for your beautiful words ✨

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Thank you thank you thank you for sharing :') 🙏🏼

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🎻 in tune 🙏

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Seeing this is so timely as this eclipse season has me creating and sharing everyday, without perfection or critique. I am saying yes to the divine's invitation to allow my works to be <3333

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