Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023Author

I don't like putting my answer first bc I don't want to influence what anyone writes but then I feel bad for not adding my piece! Currently I am most curious about: aliveness, creativity as a form of aliveness and how Black creativity is key to our having access to full aliveness on this planet, decolonization, reality and how we relate to it, the western/colonial myth of the self and a more relational understanding of personhood (Ubuntu), African fiction, spirituality and awakening, synchronicities, analog forms of community time (ie no phone spaces irl, rooted in forming and growing connection, which currently only exists in my head), addictive technology and whether it’s fair to call surveillance capitalism a form of colonialism, desire, affairs bc the state of affairs is such a good book, deep friendship, play, magnetic conversations, delicious pastries, whether or not I should give up caffeine again

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I'm curious about myself. Now that im growing up I need to know what motivates me, what my identity is, why I even care about my identity, what I enjoy, what I dislike, why I get triggered over certain things, why im so strict about my values and almost unable to put them aside for anything. I'm curious about whether the value thing is pride or it's completely valid.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

Great post. Curiosity is impossible to contain, it feels reflexive to me and often comes up spontaneously. The issue for me has always been recognising and acknowledging it - which is a step before being able to follow it. This question has created space for me to do that, so thank you.

As for what I've been curious about - language, and how it shapes our thoughts and relationships. Nature and its power to heal - accessing the most secluded parts of the UK as a non-driver. Learning to drive and how that would free up what is available to me. How to pick up from where we are as a family so we can begin to restore healthy roots. How to bring/accept more joy, more pockets of freedom in my life - how not to lose my momentum on this spiritual journey of Blackness, of unapologetic being (as opposed to doing), of showing up from a place of love. And finally, I have been most curious about love as whole. Specifically where it already exists, but I've been too blinded by society to see.

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I'm so curious about botany and foraging. I really want to learn more about the different plants out there and ways of feeding from native plants.

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I just started foraging a couple of months ago. It’s so fun! I downloaded an app called iNaturalist, and that’s how I’ve been learning to identify plants. And it’s cool because it creates a kind of catalogue of nature that you’ve observed!

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Ouu thanks for the app suggestion! I'm tryna be Dora the Explorer out here

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I find it truly intriguing how diseases can exhibit a sort of conscious intelligence in their ability to adapt and evolve. It's almost as if there's a hidden wisdom behind their survival strategies, which sparks my curiosity from a spiritual perspective because I don't believe is a coincidence.

Understanding the intricacies of diseases and their interactions with the human body and who they choose to attack is fascinating .

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I'm curious about authenticity and discovering my authentic self. How are we influenced by systems of power and normativity into hiding our real selves, and how do we tell the difference between an "authentic" version of ourselves and one that is a product of the systems, people, and culture around us. I'm not sure if there is a difference. We don't become a person in a void. I'm curious about compulsive heteronormativity, autism, and the concept of masking. I'm deeply curious about gender. I identify as genderfluid but I don't think my outward expression of gender is very queer. This normativity is safe, but I also feel like I am not being authentic to myself. At the same time, a "queer" expression of gender--for example, being AFAB and having short hair--is contingent upon culture and colonial, binary beliefs about what gender is. I'm curious how to find a balance between striving towards a version of myself and my life that I aspire to, and being content and grateful with what I have and who I am now. I'm curious how systems of power--capitalism, racism, patriarchy, etc.--shape our world and our identities. I'm curious what I'm meant to do in this world, how I can help others and build the deep friendships and community I long for.

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I'm also curious about other ways of thinking about the notion of "self" or the ego--at the end of the day, my curiosity gravitates towards understanding my inner self and relating to the world from the inside out. How did I become me and not someone else? How am I different from other people? But I also want to expand outside this box and recognize that the "self" is a colonial way of thinking that I've latched on to.

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I align with a lot of what you said - comphet, autism, anti-capitalism/racism/patriarchy, and deep friendships. How do you feel you are touching into those things today?

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I’ve been focused on learning more about systems of racism in the US, so I think that’s where I’ve made the most growth recently. But I’m reading Pleasure Activism and Pageboy right now and starting to prod deeper into my own relationship with my gender and authentic expression. My best friend recently realized she’s autistic so that’s also sparking my journey of learning about autism. But with it being a spectrum, I think it’s much more complex than something one word or diagnosis can encapsulate across the population.

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I am curious about nature, land preservation, climate action, and Indigenous sovereignty. I’m reading “Not Too Late” by Rebecca Solnit et.al. and it is very good!! I highly recommend it.

I am curious about reframing joy, specifically joy shared by minority or disadvantaged peoples, as political resistance. I have been thinking a lot about collectivism vs. individualism, and how my identity as a queer non-binary polyamorous person challenges traditional relationships. The book Joyful Militancy by Nick Montgomery and Carla Bergman was one of the best books I read this summer!!

I am curious about poetry and small press publishing. Currently trying to integrate myself into my local literary community. Alternative processes to creation, like cyanotype prints are cool as well.

I’m curious about what’s next, for myself and the world. I feel like something better is on the horizon and I am curious about the future that we are collaboratively building together.

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Also im so curious about the ways our societal and historical biases affect out findings in science (which is also a huge reason we need more diversity in STEM). Like once I heard this anthropologist talk about how in early nomadic societies women did a lot more hunting than we are led to believe and that the narrative of "men were the hunters and women were the gatherers" has been proven false. And now im very curious about what other things we got wrong

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Hey JB, it seems like you already have some background here, so I hope I can add something new. I've been encountering different scientific papers that address the issue of societal and histroical biases as this is something I have been interested in as well.

Informed Refusal (Ruha Benjamin)

Involutionary Momentum: Affective Ecologies and the Sciences of Plant/Insect Encounters (Hustak, Carla & Myers, Natasha)

Responding to Pfiesteria piscicida (the Fish Killer). Phantomatic Ontologies, Indeterminacy, and Responsibility in Toxic Microbiology (Schrader, Astrid)

And these are just the papers that were most influential for me. Let me know if you need access maybe.

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Thank you so much!!

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

I'm curious in understanding my body better. I believe this is a lifelong process and I have learned a lot alewady, but there is still so much to find out. Sometimes I hit a wall. One thing that I can't seem to figure out is how to access and isolate certain muscles or do certain movements. My posture is different somehow, so whenever I have inquired the opinion of more experienced people they couldn't seem to really help me. This is not a huge problem, but rather something I long to understand better.

English is not my native language, I hope my description makes sense to you. :)

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I am curious about what the future will look like for our children. Will the air they breathe be clean? I am interested in learning more about deconstructing the Christian fundamentalist teachings I was brought up with so that I can love better. My passions seemed to be scattered in many directions and choosing which thread to follow can be exciting and overwhelming. Whatever new thing catches my mind, I tend to dig as deeply as I can before I am completely exhausted by it. Why do I do this? And can I sustain that kind of energy for the very most important parts of my life?

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im curious about the way I'll develop as a person and if my ideas will actually come to life:) i also am learning about mutual aid at the moment so thats where my curiosity is peaked at the moment !! the replies are so amazing

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I am curious to meet like minded people irl

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YESS me too! They mostly exist online for me :(

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I am deeply curious about healing through nature. I grew up being given natural remedies for certain ailments and as an adult, I long to have a better understanding about how and why these work. As a south african, I long to connect with and learn from people who are gifted in the arena of herbalism, healing and spirituality.

I am also curious about growing my own food and medicine and being able to share that with the communities I'm in. I want nutritious food to be more accessible to people and I want healthcare to be more accessible to people. I also want to equip people with tools that allow them to be more in-tune, more aware and more in-control of their health. It's a mind-body connection, I feel, in post-colonial Africa especially, but globally too, capitalism/big pharma/treatment-based + non-holistic healthcare/poverty has barred us from being in-tune with.

I'm also curious to see the ways in which I'll grow or change if I feed my soul in all the ways it desires. What if I started figure skating, what if I made more music, what if I made more art, what if I got my medical qualification, what if, what if, but more importantly, why not? you know?

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Political theories, myself, my version of creative expression, my psychology, linguistics, sociology, living in europe, divine femininity and spirituality & god, womb healing, imagination and desire as a tool to heal and prosper, vibe curation (idk how to explain this one, its like curating a certain vibe or mood for a day, week, month or season in your life and embodying and living through that. Which i think is connected to imagination and desire in a sense)💗✨

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Lately I've been contemplating the idea of Loneliness and not from a perspective of being lonely but from the perspective of being formerly lonely. These day I plan outings with my friend once a week. It's made an immeasurable difference in my day-day emotions. I want a deeper understanding of why that is. What's exactly is the threshold of this? What's too much or too little? Does the quality of friendship matter or rather the quantity? I have my own theories on these questions but I'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts about that.

I've also been really interested in the spirit of Creativity. Yes capital- C, Creativity. Especially since I've been going on more outings I've felt more inspired by life. How do I unlock that creative spirit? What makes one an artist? This is coming from someone who has never pursued art in any form until the last year. It's making me rethink all of my life decisions.

Finally, and less vaguely I am quite curious about hand-built pottery. How to form and glaze them, all the possibilities I can pursue. I'm so excited to explore this newly-found creative spirit.

I realize that this is all rather vague but it's the truth.

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

I love your thoughts and what you are writing :)

My two cents on social interactions: I think it's all about connection. you can feel deeply connected to your life long friend and also to someone you don't know. So the quality of the friendship is super important, but not a necessity I think. At the same time you can feel even lonlier after spending time with someone you know and the more time you spend with them, the lonlier you get. Another thing I have experienced: the more connected I am with myself, the more I get to connect with others.

I would like to hear your thoughts as well :)

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Thank you for your reply! I really like your last point about your connection to other reflecting to your connection with yourself. You put words to something that i've been thinking about lately. I think throughout life we often have these moments where we don't feel present and even though we are surrounded by people who love we are still disconnected from them. The reason for that being your connection to yourself both mentally and emotionally is a really interesting thought. I think that it can go beyond just relationships with other people as well. It can also apply to our relationship with our hobbies or creativity. I notice sometimes when I'm creating or engaging in my hobbies, I sometimes feel out of place. I think this is the reason for that. Again thank you so much for your comment, I loved your perspective on this.

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Recently - what it would take to really choose myself. I am so curious about so many things, and I’m building relationships with those who enthusiastically engage in those areas (yay!) but I struggle to step away from those I know are harmful. I am curious - how do you change that behavior? Is it as simple as being curious about a type of insect or new design project? Is it slowly built over time of choosing yourself over and over again, letting your voice build until it can be heard in silencing spaces? I am curious how to tell this story - how to create a narrative, a voice that sees me wholly. I am curious - do we ever fully see ourselves?

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Thanks smuch for the space here and for sharing in this generous way. Currently working on actually allowing curiousness from a calm/neutral instead of anxious place. Main things I’ve been thinking about: healing from dysfunctional family dynamics, developing sense of self, healing from PTSD. Whiteness, how it’s embedded in my family and myself and what can I do to questions and/or disengage from it more over time? Getting a solid baseline and then deeper understanding of radical nature of Mutual aid, friendships, and community.

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at present I long to understand tarots: how they work; in what ways they represent life as a whole and as days passing by, how they represent archetypes of people and feelings, characters, behaviours. also, how they may help one grow as a human being.

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I love this post. Sometimes I associate

curiosity with wandering, going off on a

tangent but it can be a great impetus for

discovery. I'm learning how to sustain my

curiosity and follow my research with more

questions so I can develop my

understanding. Recently I've been watching

couple's therapy on UK tv network BBC3. I love when what I watch prompts me to

interrogate myself. I'm really curious about

how we make relationships work. How we

can develop new models for roles that

seem so fixed e.g the role the parent, sibling,

lover, teacher. I have so many questions

about this and I'm excited where my

research will take me especially as a playwright; I believe my job is writing

relationships for people to observe.

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In my understanding, wealth building and wealth accumulation derive from capitalism, which itself has its roots in Euro-centric ways of thinking, living, and functioning, the industrial era, profit, "progress," and so on. If we delve a bit further back in time, it also has connections to feudalism. Capitalism defines the way we function in a globalized society, where individuals have bank accounts, and in many countries, people can "purchase" land or a house as "private property," contributing to wealth building.

In my view, indigenous, black, and many other "minority" racial groups have followed different paths. Even though commerce, economy, and trade have been integral parts of these societies, they do not possess the same capitalist inclination toward extraction, profit-making, accumulation, or hoarding. Consequently, their approach to wealth building is distinct. This approach is a testament to their commitment to ecosystem preservation and the well-being of Mother Earth. In my opinion, it is a way of life that significantly better supports life on Earth and the planet itself.

In today's modern, Eurocentric, predominantly white societies, we observe people of all races embracing the narratives of wealth building and accumulation. While I believe that this can be an empowering way for minorities to reclaim their power, especially for those who have historically been underprivileged, unlike those from European backgrounds, cultures, and so on, I also believe that elements like the stock market and real estate are deeply rooted within the capitalist, extractivist, fossil fuel-dependent, and hierarchical systems of wealth building, contributing to oppression.

Therefore, my quest for understanding revolves around how we can empower ourselves and build wealth while also ensuring that we do not become complicit in the mentioned systems of oppression.

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Thanks for this space.

I am currently curious about capitalism and how it commodities everything and the conflict I have between trying to envision a life outside capitalism and needing to survive(money, work etc)

I am also curious about jazz music, music in general, how to relate with nature and redefining my relationship with it/ her(currently reading Braiding Sweet grass). I've also gotten into the horror genre by women.

Additionally, I'm curious about how to be okay with desire and pleasure in my life as a way to connect with myself and being present. Finally, I'm curious about myself ( past, present and immediate future me)

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