Aug 23, 2023Liked by ayandastood

A recent shift for me has been shifting into consistent belief that I am worthy and deserving of love. I used to think if I run out of achievements, I will run out of love. But now I know that’s not true and when I’m invited back into unworthiness, people pleasing or overachieving by old brain patterns I can recognize it for what it is -- just an old brain pattern, not the truth of me. 💚

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by ayandastood

A recent shift for me has been unlocking my spirituality. Western thinking can be a little harsh and rigid. Studying some eastern philosophies and reading indigenous literature has really helped me see the world and myself in a different view. We really are all connected to put it simply. I'm realizing my higher self wants to go on an endless journey of self discovery. I've never felt more content.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by ayandastood

I deeply enjoy your content, and can't believe I'm commenting but your work just moves me!

A recent shift for me occurred when I began to acknowledge the weight of post partum depression. The Universe saw fit for me to become a mother the same year I hit three years sober (nearly, we're a few weeks away!), and wham bam thank you ma'am and Mother God it has been a ride. The shift for me was this: that motherhood, mothering, could be liberatory. Instead of feeling pressure from outside sources, from cultural assumptions, from expectations I've internalized/invented, this could be a time to shift to Honestly, Open-mindedness, Presence. My baby boy is 6 months old, and I get to model for him habits like eating solids, while he models for me Enjoying the Moment, Fully Expressing, New Joy. The shift is sloughing off the unbearable weight of what a Mother /should/ be so I can embrace what mothering is, on an intuitive level. It's fucking wild to have a new life thrust into your arms, and know deep down in a place we bury that you have all you need. The rate of learning/unlearning is incredible. Mothering can be liberatory, it can be freeing, it can be a site of change...if I let it. Whew!

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by ayandastood

I recently experienced a paradigm shift in how I think about my gender transition - I no longer view it as a journey to an ideal self but rather a journey inwards to the person I am at my core. I think I was very concerned about passing, and I wanted to get through my transition milestones as fast as possible. I wanted to be the version of myself I'd dreamed all these years in the closet without leaving room to breathe or adjust. But now I'm trying not to bow to Ego and the social pressures that make me feel as though I'm not good enough in my current state. I am trying to become happier with my transition as a process, instead of focusing solely on results A lot of my goals are the same, I guess my approach has just shifted slightly.

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Being from Mexico, but also having grown up in a white-washed (spaniard white) society I was very confused, blinded and indocritinated in the eurocentric everything, values, technology, ways of living, ideals. It's been since my many spiritual awakeninings (since 2015) and since I left my home country that I've experienced in first person the racisms, seen the many social injustices, etc. Since then, I've slowly but steadily have worked to dig out the true history of my people (half of my blood is indigenous I believe, maybe more, need to take a DNA test), and my ancestors beliefs, history, values, etc. I've been researching, and finding my voice. I dont shut up as easily now. :) That's my biggest paradigm shift for sure. I LOVE YOUR CHANNEL/BLOG/IG/PODCAST!!

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Although completely different, I see myself in your journey. The digging of the past means for me connecting with people/beings/life through time and space. So is uncovering the power of untold stories.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by ayandastood

wonderfully said ! a recent paradigm shift i have been noticing is coming to reality about the negative effects of climate change. it used to be theory that was debated (proof we shouldn’t debate experts in their fields), but now we all see it very clearly in front of us and it a very scary , Oh Shit moment !

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*it is

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by ayandastood

A recent paradigm shift for me has happened through understanding the deeply spiritually expansive and revolutionary nature of true rest as discovered by being in the process of reading Tricia Hersey's "Rest Is Resistance." I can't begin to describe how healing and liberating her words have been for me as I expand my understanding of myself as a creative person. My shifts in understanding creativity through also reading The Artist's Way have been heavily supported by the simultaneous shift in how I understand rest as a revolutionary act. As an inspiring creative, I have almost always been plagued with fears and the pressure of running out of time to develop as a creative, feeling a stressful sense of urgency around all my creative aspirations that constantly made me feel so small. Tuning into Tricia's teachings has deeply allowed me to feel like, in her own words: "I trust the creator and my ancestors to make space for my gifts and talents without needing to work myself into exhaustion."

I, as many of us I'm sure, have been so conditioned to thinking that rest takes away from the productive things we could be doing and that the only purpose rest serves is to help us be more productive. I had previously been applying that same framework to the creative things I want to do. This made it really difficult for me to create and make space for inspiration as a disabled person who regularly struggles to do the basic things I need to do to keep myself alive. The huge shift I have experienced is seeing and understanding how rest actually opens the portal to divine creative inspiration and that it is actually through honouring our bodies needs especially through their pain and exhaustion that we allow an enormous amount of access to somatic healing information, creativity, inspiration, and just an infinite place of creative revolutionary wisdom. Because of capitalism and ableism, I previously struggled a lot with viewing my disabled body as something preventing me from expanding into my highest creative potential. Tricia's words have opened a completely new world, a new framework to shift the way I relate to my bodily pain that so often made me hate the ways my body fell short of doing what I wanted it to. I am now understanding that it is through my unique experiences and through truly being in my body exactly as it is that I will be able to expand and grow into my fullest creative expression.

Tuning deeply into restful states is what will allow my creativity to flourish. It is truly the complete opposite of how we have been taught to exist in the world. We think that through doing more we will be more, and be more satisfied. But it is actually through slowing down, resting, and dreaming that we gain access to all that we truly aspire to feel and experience in the world. Her words have instilled in me such an unshakeable trust in the universe.

Understanding this has relieved an enormous amount of pressure and ironically opened me up so much more to the possibility of creating from a place of peace and inspiration rather than urgency and fear of falling short in my life. It is actually impossible for me to fall short, as long as I prioritize rest and listening to the divine wisdom and creativity that is made available to me through what my body communicates to me when in a state of rest. This realization has been truly revolutionary and is forming a core basis for how I want grow and move through the world for the rest of my life. It has just completely liberated me. I want to continue to prioritize deeply resting and dreaming shame/guilt-free and creating from a place of rest as my new way of life.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by ayandastood

I am shifting in to the practice of infinitely sourcing divine love instead of sitting in my material, surface love. I used to validate my love through memories. Fond memories with friends and family, memories that I could revisit time and time again to remind myself... “hey, I love these people... here’s a memory so that I know WHY I love them.” I used to sit alone, wishing I could revisit those memories in real time to feel my very limited understanding of love, over and over again.

Although this practice has served me in survival mode my whole life, I am now moving forward in to the next chapter, shifting paradigms. Tapping in to divine love. A feeling of love that is easier to revisit with each practice. Divine love is the only way forward. I no longer revisit the past. I tap in to the now to feel love like I have never felt it before. The more I open myself up to divine love, the more I receive from it!

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I love this. This sounds really profound and difficult to do.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by ayandastood

Recently, I've shifted into a reality where I'm no longer trying to deeply understand someone's actions because it's outside of my control. I now focus on all the facets of life that I indeed have all the control over and let me tell you, its definitely enough work to keep that in order!

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by ayandastood

for me, i’m in the paradigm of consciously, unconditionally, unfailingly loving myself.

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A recent shift for me as I enter my final year of study came with the realisation that unlike many of my peers I did not have to pursue a career in a corporate environment in order to be successful. There was of course a lot of resistance with coming to this realisation because of the highly competitive environment of my university, and the prior belief that I would enjoy life better by taking a more conventional route. Since realising my passion however, the idea of the future has become substantially more exciting and so I am grateful for my patience as I figured out what I truly wanted and was able to de-condition myself in that way :)

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While I was swimming the other day in the lake (my new big LOVE), it really clicked. I have been rethinking ideas from this podcast and other sources about eroticism, beauty, nature, and presence. I always felt that they are connected in various ways, but one connection I made while swimming hit me different. It is how Presence is a CONNECTING PART of beauty, erotic energy, and nature, and not simply another concept in line of it.

I was all in the present moment, taking everything in as much as I could from small reflections my sunglasses created in the space between my eye and the glass, to the wind breezes stroking my ears, to the feeling of cool water on my skin. There was a greediness to it that I didn't want to stop. And I kept swimming to get to experience as much as I could. This is the opposite feeling to when I approach something (like swimming) out of a planning/future-oriented mindset with a certain linear directionality. "I'm going to get in the water, swim for half an hour, in this specific form, and afterwards I'm going to do xyz." In these cases I can't wait for any situation to be over, even if it is such a wonderful thing as swimming. In these situations we are not present but attentive to the future outcome, which takes away all the aliveness, beauty of the moment. We can't connect to ourselves and our surroundings. Hence, being deprived of experiencing the beauty of nature and it's erotic force. Presence is an integral part of this.

I hope someone can relate :)

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I recently was guided by a fungal friend to shift my paradigm around suffering. I always knew suffering & darkness was important, but the complexities and nuances of its importance eluded me. Currently, I am starting to shift my understanding to see how, as we piece together an experiential image of the movement & shape of life itself, we must walk the edge of the silhouette, moving between lightness and darkness, to see the full shape. If we are the universe experiencing itself, then the universe likely wants to know deeper, fuller, and more complex understandings of what is & what be. What if suffering is not a punishment, but instead a voluntary path we choose (by choosing to be human), at times, to paint a richer picture of consciousness?

praise & grief

joy & suffering

parts of a whole

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thank you for the invitation! <3

an internal shift that happened recently for me would be reclaiming my creativity. i previously associated creativity with producing a work of art for the whole world to experience. i saw creativity as this far away thing from myself that required a finished product in the end. but more recently, i have allowed myself to tap into my creativity that isn't tied to a product. that it can also look different for me. i now embody creativity as this relationship with God to co-create a life that feels aligned to me. the act and process of embodying my values is a way that i express my creativity. in the same way of creating a piece of art, it requires presence, patience, intention, vulnerability & courage.

i make space for both expressions of creativity! this shift has felt more spacious in my life as i'm not constricting myself to one definition. for the longest time, i've stayed away from describing myself as creative because i didn't share what creations to the world. but i'm now reclaiming this part of my identity ✨

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